Not only can we look to reduce your insurance costs and claim back money you might have overpaid on historical policies, but we can also help give the power back to leaseholders when it comes to insurance negotiations.
Freeholders will often try to hang on to arranging insurance cover for developments, because it can prove to be a useful income stream through commissions recharged to leaseholders through their service charges, even when the right to manage has already been secured. But as a right to manage company, you have the legal right to arrange insurance cover for the property, which is likely to lead to lower overall costs as a result of savings on commissions. Not only that, but if those commissions have not been properly disclosed, then you could recover these illegal payments going back six years.
And that is where we can help.
Bank Central Crypto provides a first-class service to help you recover any payments added to your insurance policies, and our team of friendly, motivated professionals will always give you our full attention. Our free consultation service can investigate you insurance arrangements for each of the last six years and determine if we can recover any secret commissions, which can be worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.
Very little effort is required on your part, and of course full confidentiality is ensured at all stages. To see how much you can recover in hidden commission payments, get in touch with Neil Holloway at .